West Easton now has an outdoor bulletin board. I have no information on what will be posted on it, but personally, I’m hoping that one item will be approved minutes of previous council meetings, as soon as those minutes are approved either by our council or automatically by law. Currently, for anyone to see the minutes of council meetings a RTKL request must be submitted and then a delay is imposed. Total days from a council meeting to seeing the minutes of that meeting is 65 days, which means at least two additional council meetings will have been taken place before you know what happened at the first meeting you want to see the minutes of.
This bulletin board could alleviate this situation. The bulletin board would require a locking enclosure, of course, to ensure official documents, such as approved minutes don’t walk off. Rather than waiting 65 days to obtain a hard copy of council meeting minutes, the minutes could be at least read after 30 days. Since the board was only recently installed it’s unknown if any improvements will be made to it.
If it’s simply an open board for people to post yard sales or lost pet flyers it’s a waste of wood and cement.
I mentioned a need for a bulletin board at a previous council meeting. Council President, Kelly Gross told me she has been trying to get one installed for months (apparently, before I suggested it at the meeting), but was receiving little assistance from other council members in getting it built and installed, according to her.
Let’s hope this new “technology” is used to provide real information to residents. Information in the form of minutes, legal notices, zoning hearings, and other difficult to obtain information.
Disclaimer: On January 4, 2016, the owner of WestEastonPA.com began serving on the West Easton Council following an election. Postings and all content found on this website are the opinions of Matthew A. Dees and may not necessarily represent the opinion of the governing body for The Borough of West Easton.