
West Easton Activities Committee Fails The Fallen – No Memorial Day Ceremony


memdaynotice2A long tradition of holding a brief ceremony honoring men and women who gave their lives in military service for our country won’t be held this year in West Easton.

The notice went up on the town bulletin board this week and having contacted a couple of council members, I’m told that the failure to have the ceremony this year was as much a surprise to them as it is to the rest of us.

West Easton has held a Memorial Day ceremony for as long as most people can remember. It hasn’t been a huge event with multitudes of residents turning out, but it was a way for West Easton to pay an official tribute to those men and women who gave the ultimate sacrifice during military service.

According to Council President Kelly Gross, the failure of the Activities Committee to organize the event for this year only began to come to light when Representative Bob Freeman called to inquire why he didn’t receive an invitation to attend the event, as he has done in years past. It was assumed that it was a simple oversight.

According to Gross, the ceremony was certain not to happen when Road Department employee, Dane, was sent to ask the head of the Activities Committee, Mr. Bill Bogari Sr., what time the road barriers would be needed to be set up for the ceremony. It was then that Mr. Bogari provided the information of a non-event by saying, “I’m not having it.” Mr. Bogari provided no explanation as to why he didn’t organize it as was done in past years, or why he failed to notify the council sooner of his decision.

Having been informed by Mr. Bogari so near to Memorial Day made it impossible to bring all the usual participants together on short notice. Band members, the bagpiper, and others had likely made alternative plans, according to Gross.

Rather than try to throw together a quick and possibly embarrassing ceremony, a decision was made to cancel the event this year and ask residents to remember the fallen in their own way on Memorial Day.

Councilman Tom Nodoline is also disappointed with the failure of the committee and the lack of communication. “I will address it at the next council meeting,” said Nodoline. He added that he could not recall a previous year in which West Easton failed to honor the fallen who served.

My phone call to Mr. Bogari Sr. for a comment (after mistakenly calling Jr., who directed me back to the Council) resulted in my leaving a message on an answering machine. No call was returned.

The video below might be of assistance in reminding some people why there is a Memorial Day.

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Disclaimer: On January 4, 2016, the owner of began serving on the West Easton Council following an election. Postings and all content found on this website are the opinions of Matthew A. Dees and may not necessarily represent the opinion of the governing body for The Borough of West Easton.