Section: Money Savers

Prepare Your Car For Winter

Before the weather gets too much colder and the snow begins to fly, now is the time to prepare your car for the winter.

When it’s freezing outside, a breakdown could become far worse than a mere inconvenience. To help prevent car trouble, the Federal Emergency Management Agency suggests you or your mechanic follow these 12 checkpoints to winterize your vehicle:

Cell Phone Savings – Finally!


Call me cheap. I refer to the moths in my wallet as being frugal. I’m going to share some of that chea… er, frugality with you.

Over the years I’ve used Verizon, AT&T (Cingular), and even tried Walmart’s Straight Talk. Straight talk was a total bomb with lousy connections and dropped calls.

I don’t have a land line in the house and I even have free Over-The-Air television. All because I’m not paying cable companies the outrageous amount of money they demand. They can keep their “bundled” services. If I could find a way to get Internet service without them I’d disconnect the cable to my house completely. Continue reading

No Hassle Online Shopping For School Supplies

Back-to-School-ShoppingSchool starts this year on August 25th.

While you may be happy to see your children return to school and be out from underfoot, the prospect of taking them shopping for school supplies with you might not be too appealing. Not only do you have to deal with checkout lines, but your child(ren) possibly reaching beyond your budget.

There is some relief using common sense and an online venue. Continue reading

Unlocking Your Cell Phones Now Legal

Click image to get an unlock code for your cell phone.

President Barack Obama has signed into law a bill making it legal for consumers to “unlock” their cell phones in order to use a different wireless network.

This means me and my cell phone unlocking buddies won’t have to worry about the FBI tossing stun grenades through our windows any longer.

Having the previous copyright law removed, that made it illegal to unlock your own cell phone, is something that has been long awaited. It was akin to a car manufacturer selling you a car and then telling you that you had to fill it up with “x brand” gasoline, or face criminal prosecution. Continue reading

Low Cost Projects To Boost Home Value

home-worthThinking about selling your home some day?

Spending money on a house you are considering selling isn’t exactly an appealing thought. However, changing the look and installing a few changes in the right areas will not only make it more enjoyable to live in, but will increase it’s selling value should you actually decide to sell. Continue reading

A Reminder About Phishing Emails

Today I received a phishing email (supposedly from Capital One). It reminded me that there are still many people who are fooled by them and continue to lose money to Internet thieves, or have their computers compromised.

I’m going to take a few moments and give you some pointers on how to recognize a phishing email and what you should do to avoid being ripped off, or having your computer infected with a virus or malware. Continue reading