Section: General Info

Drunk Driver That Killed West Easton Resident Sentenced To State Prison

Jail-CellFrancis Thomas Roscioli was sentenced for the drunken driving death of a 35 year-old pedestrian from Spring Street, West Easton.

Abraham Rivera was struck and killed by the vehicle Roscioli was driving, when he was walking home along Lehigh Drive in Easton, near the Lafayette College boathouse. Continue reading

Largest Personal Accounts Hack Has Occurred Says Cybersecurity Firm

hackedIf the hacking of personal accounts from Target stores scared you, you better sit down.

Cybersecurity firm Hold Security, LLC is reporting it found a huge cache of 360 million stolen account credentials on an Internet site that sells stolen account and credit card information in a black market arrangement. Continue reading

Controversial Artwork – Activism And Digital Imagery

His work also includes that for the mainstream. This one was created for, Time for Kids.
His work also includes that for the mainstream. This one was created for, Time for Kids.

I was Googling for some free images to use on this and other websites I have when David Dees and a creation of his came to my attention.

The first thing that caught my eye was a high definition image that drew me in for a closer look. It didn’t escape my attention that the image had a credit on it that read, I had assumed that, as has always been the case, the “dees” was actually, “dee’s” in the possessive form. Such as the case with Dee’s Deli and other businesses. Continue reading

A Tech Lesson: Why A “Traced” IP Address Can Never Identify You

This may get a little “techie,” but I’ll try to simplify it as best I can.

Sometimes people post an Internet Protocol (IP) address of what they think is someone’s computer and then fraudulently add that person’s name to it. Anyone who posts an IP address that supposedly identifies a person by name is a liar.

Actually, that was too simple. I should give a little more detail. Continue reading

A Bad Snow Season But Influenza In Pennsylvania Is In Decline

Six weeks into the flu season, the H1N1 virus is still killing young adults and middle-aged Americans at epidemic levels in other areas of the U.S., according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Pennsylvania, though, seems to have gotten through the worst of the viral storm, if not the snow storms.

Although the death toll isn’t nearly as bad as the 2009 influenza epidemic that swept across the United States, that same H1N1 virus has seen a resurgence this year, infecting more than 6,600 Americans since October and resulting in deaths beyond epidemic levels for the rest of the country since mid-January. Continue reading