Section: General Info

The “Official” West Easton Website And Why It’s Idle

The West Easton Borough Website

A concern arose from resident Jamie Horinko regarding the official West Easton Borough website, at Monday nights council meeting.

Mr Horinko’s concern was that it was not operational and that no information was available on it. Continue reading

West Easton Resident Mezzacappa Vows She Will Be Council’s Worst Enemy

Caution! Radioactive Dog Crap

With an Express-Times and reporter in attendance at last nights West Easton Council Meeting, resident Tricia Mezzacappa vowed that she “would be the council’s worst enemy.”

Upset at what she referred to as, “being treated like a radioactive piece of dog crap” by the borough, during the public comment portion of the meeting, she made claims of being prevented access to the Municipal Building and an inability to pay her sewer fees. Continue reading

Social Security Under Attack Once More

Social Security“Social Security won’t be there for me.”

I used to say that in my thirties and forties, not long after I learned that the government raised my retirement age from 65 to almost 67 in a change to Social Security that took affect in 1983. That was also before I understood what benefits are provided by the Social Security System and the fact that the government can’t allow Social Security to fail. Not entirely, anyway. They can only muck it up, like everything else they tamper with. Continue reading

Attend West Easton Council Meeting on 12/23 – Budget and Police Update

meeting3West Easton residents should set some time aside on the evening of December 23rd in order to attend the 2nd West Easton council meeting this month.

The meeting will cover not only the budget for the coming year, but the status of the planned police force, among the other items on the agenda. Continue reading