All votes are for APPROVAL of the motion. “No” votes are indicated in Red with voters identified. Abstentions are noted in Green. Councilpersons absences or early departures are noted for clarification of differing vote totals for each meeting, or vote totals changing during meetings. A Council in full attendance would have 7 members present. A quorum requires 4 members present. When a meeting loses a quorum after having it to start a meeting, it is forced to adjourn.
January 4 (Councilman Louis Niko absent)
- Mr. Paul James to fill a vacancy on The Zoning Board: 6-0
- Ms. Joan Heebner to be hired as Borough Secretary: 5-1 (Tom Nodoline dissenting)
- Mr. Carl Pierson to be hired as Borough Treasurer: 5-1 (Tom Nodoline dissenting)
- PA State Assoc. of Boroughs (PSAB) to assist Council at no charge: 5-1 (Tom Nodoline dissenting)
- Hiring of Goudsouzian & Associates as Borough Solicitor: 5-1 (Tom Nodoline dissenting)
- To adjourn meeting: 6-0
January 11 (Councilman Louis Niko absent)
- Ratification of Council officers and actions of January 4: 6-0
- Dec. 14, 2015 Minutes: 3-0 (Dees, Lewis, Henry Nodoline abstaining)
- Finance Committee to review how compensation to Council should be paid: 6-0
- General Fund checks: 6-0
- Sewer Fund checks: 6-0
- December 2015 Receipts and Deposits: 6-0
- December 2015 Treasurer Report: 6-0
- Borough Office allowed up to $800/mo. on necessary expenditures: 5-1 (Tom Nodoline dissenting)
- $1000 donation to Wilson Area Recreation Board: 6-0
- $8500 donation to Mary Mueser Library: 6-0
- Table Safety First Vol. Fire Co. donation to Jan 25 meeting: 6-0
- Letter of thanks to T&M Associates for past engineering work: 6-0
- Solicitor to draft new Ordinance reflecting new trash fees for Borough: 6-0
- Barry Isset & Associates as Code Enforcement Officer: 6-0
- To adjourn meeting: 6-0
January 25 (Councilmen Tom Nodoline and Louis Niko absent)
- Donate $15,000 to Safety First Vol. Fire Co.: 5-0
- Separate Escrow accounts to be established (no mixing in Borough’s funds): 5-0
- Public to be allowed access to electrical outlets during Council meetings: 4-0 (Dees abstaining)
- Resolution approving office expenditures up to $800/mo with requirement of receipts: 5-0
- To purchase “field camera” (to monitor illegal dumping): 5-0
- Councilman Lewis may view all PSAB webinars: 5-0
- Mr. David Gehman to choose new IT company for Borough: 5-0
- Barry Isset & Associates as Zoning Officer: 5-0
- Ms. Joan Heebner as RTK Officer and Solicitor Goudzousian as Asst. RTK Officer: 5-0
- Solicitor and Borough Clerk to establish list of Ordinances and have codified: 5-0
- Dane Thatcher to spend up to $150 for bedding, in event of snow storms. 5-0
- Solicitor Goudzousian to satisfy the lien on 900 Palmer St.: 5-0
- Zoning Officer to review Zoning Book and provide findings to Solicitor: 5-0
- Letter to be sent to Mr. Bill Bolgari Jr. requesting he return as Emer. Mgmt. Coordinator: 5-0
- Council to rejoin MECAB (a borough organization), paying $50 yearly membership: 5-0
- Increase Mr. Dane Thatcher’s hourly rate to $17.52/hr.: 5-0
- Increase part-time snow removal workers hourly rate to $13.09/hr.: 5-0
- Increase Ms. Joan Heebner’s hourly rate to $15/hr.: 5-0
- Hire Mr. Dave Gehman as Sr. Clerk at hourly rate of $15/hr.: 5-0
- Buy out the Gehman contract with Accountemps: 5-0
- Solicitor to respond with letter to T&M Assoc, re alleged amounts owed: 5-0
- Solicitor to respond with letter to Assad Younes (former IT for Borough) re alleged amounts owed: 5-0
- Solicitor to look into issues regarding Borough computers: 5-0
- To adjourn meeting: 5-0
February 8 (Councilmen Tom Nodoline and Louis Niko absent)
- General Fund and Sewer Fund checks: 5-0
- Pay Bean Contractors, Inc. for snow removal services needed after previous snowstorm: 5-0
- January Receipts and Deposits: 5-0
- January 4 Minutes with corrections: 5-0
- January 11 Minutes: 5-0
- January 25 Minutes: 5-0
- Treasurer’s Report: 5-0
- Merge a smaller sewer account into the larger one, to avoid analysis fees on separate counts: 5-0
- Change name of Depreciation Fund to Operating Reserve Fund: 5-0
- Treasurer to investigate CD rates at other banks: 5-0
- Solicitor to recover $450 paid to Kelly Gross for Emer. Mgmt. Coordinator: 5-0
- Solicitor to recover $520 from Kelly Gross for costs incurred by Borough for letters mailed: 5-0
- Resolution approving Zoning fees set forth by Barry Isset & Associates: 5-0
- Engineer from Barry Isset & Associates to investigate problems with Municipal Building: 5-0
- Obtain quotes for parking lot railing: 5-0
- Obtain quotes to replace Municipal Building furnace if part replacement fails to solve problem: 5-0
- Solicitor to take all necessary steps to determine costs incurred and harm to the Borough due to computer situation and to recoup funds from parties involved: 5-0
- Councilmembers to be paid quarterly: 5-0
- Mr. Pete Rossi to be made Interim Borough Manager beginning Feb 16: 5-0
- Mr. Ferhaad “Gino” Hakimi as IT person for Borough, “if needed”: 3-1 (Lewis dissenting, Dees abstaining)
- Mr. Jeff Hanock on an “as needed” basis for truck maintenance and subcontractor: 5-0
- Solicitor to move forward with condemnation of Ridge St. property: 4-0 (Henry Nodoline abstaining)
- To adjourn meeting: 5-0
February 22 (Councilmen Louis Niko absent, Tom Nodoline leaves before adjournment)
- General Fund checks: 5-1 (Tom Nodoline dissenting)
- Sewer Fund checks: 6-0
- Ratification of Resolution #870, from Nov. 9, 2009: 6-0
- Mr. David Kindrew appointed to the Zoning Board: 6-0
- Mr. Stephen R. Klaver appointed as Zoning Board Alternate: 6-0
- Pay to drill open an abandoned safety deposit box (key missing) and closing the account: 6-0
- Pay back-taxes on Ridge St. property for condemnation: 4-0 (Henry Nodoline abstaining)
- Surveillance tapes of Borough computers leaving building made public: 4-0 (Dees abstaining)
- To adjourn meeting: 5-0
March 14 (Councilman Louis Niko absent)
- General Fund and Sewer Fund checks: 5-1 (Tom Nodoline dissenting)
- Receipts and Deposits: 6-0
- Minutes of February 8: 6-0
- Councils meeting packets to be ready Friday, prior to a Council meeting: 6-0
- Minutes of February 22: 6-0
- Treasurer’s Report For February: 6-0
- Payment for training webinar for new Zoning Board members: 6-0
- Vacate and nullify Ordinance #964 and Resolution #999 (LST taxes): 6-0
- Correct Ordinance re sewer rates to reflect lower fees: 6-0
- Up to $2500 for purchase of needed Borough maintenance equipment/tools: 6-0
- Close the 2016 Budget: 6-0
- Three trees in area of Municipal Building removed, others trimmed: 6-0
- Remove overgrown shrubs from around Municipal Building: 6-0
- Barry Isset & Associates to review previous reports to evaluate corner of Municipal Building: 6-0
- $14,877 for new computer equip.and peripheral hardware installation, plus support costs from EZMicro: 4-2 (DePaul, Henry Nodoline dissenting)
- Solicitor to move forward with presenting evidence to the appropriate government authority regarding computers, financial matters, borough property: 4-1 (Lewis dissenting, Tom Nodoline abstaining)
- Censure of Councilman Tom Nodoline for his actions in removing computer equipment from borough property: 5-1 (Tom Nodoline dissenting)
- To adjourn meeting: 6-0
March 28 (Councilmen Ron Nixon, Tom Nodoline, Louis Niko absent)
- General Fund checks: 4-0
- Check for additional $2500 unpaid invoice received on 9th St. swing set: 4-0
- Councilman Lewis to be Borough’s voting delegate at upcoming PSAB Conference: 4-0
- Councilman Dan DePaul as Designation of Agent for purpose of obtaining reimbursement of Borough snow storm expenses: 4-0
- Sending Mr. Steve Klaver to Zoning training in Doylestown: 4-0
- Sending Mr. Paul James to Zoning training in Allentown: 4-0
- To adjourn meeting: 4-0
April 11 (Councilmen Tom Nodoline, Louis Niko absent)
- General Fund checks: 5-0
- Sewer Fund checks: 5-0
- Deposits and Receipts: 5-0
- March 14 Minutes with changes: 5-0
- March 28 Minutes with changes: 5-0
- Treasurers Report for March: 5-0
- Wilson Recreation Board to put in base paths and pitcher’s circle at Gerald Gross Park: 5-0
- Donation of $500 to West Easton Scholarship Fund: 5-0
- New Bank account to fund debit card needed for some purchases (card limit $2000): 5-0
- Travel reimbursement request from Mr. Lewis to attend a Zoning Seminar in Doylestown: 5-0
- Solicitor to attempt finding a solution with Ms. Tricia Mezzacappa that would include a release: 5-0
- To adjourn meeting: 5-0
May 9 (Councilmen Ron Nixon, Louis Niko absent, Tom Nodoline leaves before adjournment)
- General Fund checks: 5-0
- Sewer Fund checks: 5-0
- Deposits and Receipts for April: 5-0
- April 11 Minutes with changes: 5-0
- Treasurer’s Report for April: 4-1 (Tom Nodoline dissenting)
- Borough Manager to prepare, file, and sign paperwork for an FDIC insured bank for 1 year: 4-1 (Tom Nodoline dissenting)
- Proposal for bids to repair Adamson St. be sent to Property/Highway Committee for review: 4-1 (Tom Nodoline dissenting)
- Borough Tax Collector to send out interim billings of reassessment of properties as result of County notification: 4-0
- Borough Manager to get applications for maintenance summer help: 4-0
- Accept Letter of Resignation from Councilman Louis Niko: 2-2 (Dees, Lewis dissenting). Mayor breaks tie with “Yes” vote.
- Office to order an “award” for Louis Niko, honoring his Borough service: 4-0
- To advertise (within West Easton) open seat on Borough Council available for appointment: 4-0
- To adjourn meeting: 4-0
May 23 (Mr. Paul James appointed this meeting but not sworn in, Councilman Ron Nixon leaves before adjournment)
- General Fund and Sewer Fund checks: 6-0
- Advertise all options for road repairs and road sealing presented by Property/Highway Committee: 4-1 (Tom Nodoline dissenting, Nixon abstaining)
- Office to prepare paperwork to move Borough accounts from Lafayette Bank to Merchants Bank: 5-1 (Tom Nodoline dissenting)
- Councilman Matthew Dees to be added as an account signer of checks: 6-0
- Send a Letter of Intent to the County re Lehigh Valley Hazard Mitigation plan: 6-0
- Resolution adding “Summer Help” at $8.75/hr.: 6-0
- Spend $600 to cut down two trees on Borough property behind Spring St.: 6-0
- Retain Councilmembers life insurance, but premiums paid by Councilmembers, not Borough: 5-1 (Lewis dissenting)
- Solicitor to contact E-codes in regard to completing Codification: 5-0
- To adjourn meeting: 5-0
June 13 (Councilmen Ron Nixon absent, Tom Nodoline leaves before adjournment)
- General Fund checks: 6-0
- Sewer Fund checks: 6-0
- Deposits and Receipts: 6-0
- May 9 Minutes with corrections: 6-0
- Hiring Hunter Velekei as Summer Help pending pre-employment drug test: 6-0
- Advertise the position of Borough Manager: 6-0
- Getting estimates only on work Councilman Henry Nodoline wants done in the Borough: 5-0
- Purchasing a portable generator for the Borough (Municipal Building): 4-1 (Henry Nodoline dissenting)
- Solicitor to attempt settling Mezzacappa litigation per Executive Session discussion: 5-0
- To adjourn meeting: 5-0
- General Fund checks: 7-0
- Sewer Fund checks: 7-0
- Deposits and Receipts: 7-0
- June 13 Minutes with corrections: 7-0
- Treasurer’s Report: Approved
- Accept lowest bid contractor to repair Municipal Building brickwork: 6-1 (Tom Nodoline dissenting)
- Rename 9th Street Park, “Louis Niko Park”: 7-0
- To adjourn meeting: 7-0
July 25 (Councilmen Tom Nodoline, Henry Nodoline absent)
- General Fund checks: 5-0
- Accept alternate bid from Gorecon for repairing both Spring Street and Adamson Street: 5-0
- Accept low bidder Asphalt Maintenance Solutions to seal streets (including Keystone): 4-0 (Nixon abstaining)
- Tree trimming of entire tree located on Spring Street Borough property: 5-0
- Allow Office Staff non-mandatory additional 4 hours of work on weekends to work on Caselle data transfer : 5-0
- Increase pay of Summer worker Hunter Velekai from $8.75 to $10/hr.: 5-0
- To adjourn meeting: 5-0
August 8 (Councilmen Ron Nixon, Paul James absent)
- General Fund checks: 5-0
- Sewer Fund checks: 5-0
- Deposits and Receipts for July: 5-0
- July 11 Minutes: 5-0
- July 25 Minutes with corrections 5-0
- Treasurer’s Report for July: 5-0
- Refer Treasurer’s suggestions to Finance Committee for review: 5-0
- Barry Isset & Associates to inquire about costs in replacing a damaged street pipe vs repairing: 5-0
- Mr. Steve Klaver to replace now Councilman Paul James on Zoning Hearing Board: 5-0
- Ms. Joan Heebner to replace Interim Borough Manager Mr. Pete Rossi, as Borough Manager: 4-1 (Tom Nodoline dissenting)
- Borough Manager to be paid $24/hr, up to 35 hrs/wk: 4-1 (Tom Nodoline dissenting)
- Mr. Pete Rossi to be paid consultant to office staff as needed: 4-1 (Tom Nodoline dissenting)
- Mr. Pete Rossi to be paid $35/hr for consulting fee: 4-1 (Tom Nodoline dissenting)
- To adjourn meeting: 5-0
September 12 (Councilmen Ron Nixon absent, Henry Nodoline leaves before adjournment)
- General Fund checks: 5-1 (Tom Nodoline dissenting)
- Sewer Fund checks: 6-0
- Deposits and Receipts: 6-0
- August 8 Minutes: 6-0
- Treasurer’s Report for August: 6-0
- Additional $805.80 for Adamson/Spring Street projects: 6-0
- Up to $4,200 for Borough Engineer oversees Adamson/Spring St. projects: 6-0
- Up to $10,000 to replace 12′ sanitary sewer pipe on Adamson Street: 5-1 (Dees dissenting)
- To take no action on items discussed in Executive session at this time: 5-0 (Tom Nodoline abstaining)
- Councilman Lewis’ Travel request to PSAB Fall Conference and seminar on Basic Budgeting. Mr. Dave Gehman’s Travel Request to attend 3-day training on Zoning: 5-0
- The granting of use for 84 Main Street on finding of Solicitor and office staff: 4-1 (Tom Nodoline dissenting)
- Buying out lease of two street lights currently leased from Met-Ed: 5-0
- Spending $200 to buy out the lease of two street lights currently leased from Met-Ed: 5-0
- To adjourn meeting: 5-0
October 10 (Councilmen Paul James absent, Tom Nodoline, Henry Nodoline leaves before adjournment)
- General Fund checks: 6-0
- Sewer Fund checks: 6-0
- Deposits and Receipts: 6-0
- September 12 Minutes; 6-0
- Treasurer’s Report for August: 6-0
- Spending $74,425.90 on new contract proposal from Gorecon: 5-1 (Henry Nodoline dissenting)
- Giving Borough Manager authority to sign new contract with Gorecon: 6-0
- Spending no more than $9450 to line Adamson Street pipe, including pumping water from pipe: 6-0
- $1400 for Sewer grant application paperwork, if eligible for grant: 6-0
- Cancel contract with Caselle: 6-0
- Replacing stolen signs local businesses purchased from borough only once at no charge: 5-0
- Mr. Gehman to create life insurance form for submission by Coucilmembers to Ins. Provider: 5-0
- Spending up to $500 to complete repairs to 2nd Street alley: 4-0
- Council not to take action on any matters at this time, discussed during Executive Session: 4-0
- To adjourn meeting: 4-0
October 24 (Councilman Ron Nixon absent, Henry Nodoline leaves before adjournment)
- General Fund checks: 6-0
- Sewer Fund checks: 6-0
- Payment to Asphalt Maintenance Service from Liquid Fuels Fund: 6-0
- Payment to Nodoline family for payment of Ridge St. property: 4-0 (Henry Nodoline, Tom Nodoline abstaining)
- Adjustment of Budget Line Items. Conferences $3000, Training/Webinars $2000: 4-2 (Tom Nodoline, Lewis dissenting)
- $150,000 for Police Coverage in 2017 Budget: 4-2 (Tom Nodoline, Lewis dissenting)
- Authorize Council president DePaul to notify Wilson Borough that West Easton will not pursue police contract negotiations at this time: 6-0
- Raise Mayor compensation to $1500/yr and Councilmembers to $1200/yr. Secondary motion made to table this motion to August 2017 meeting. Motion to Table: 4-1 (Tom Nodoline dissenting)
- To adjourn meeting: 5-0
November 14 (Councilmen Robert Lewis, Ron Nixon, Paul James absent, Tom Nodoline leaves before adjournment)
- General Fund checks: 4-0
- Sewer Fund checks: 4-0
- $150 payment to Center for Animal Health and Welfare (regarding stray dog charge): 3-1 (Dees dissenting)
- Deposits and Receipts for October: 4-0
- October 10 Minutes: 4-0
- October 24 Minutes: 4-0
- Treasurers Report for October: 4-0
- Transferring CD from Lafayette Bank to Merchants Bank, increase CD to $100,000: 3-1 (Tom Nodoline dissenting)
- Agreement with Bean Contracting for snow removal: 4-0
- Payment to Gorecon of $77,851.44, withholding 10% until Gorecon provides Maintenance Bond: 4-0
- Solicitor to investigate matter of cell towers (protection of Borough from cell towers): 4-0
- Up to $3000 to clean up lumber, debris from acquired Ridge St. property: 3-1 (Tom Nodoline dissenting)
- Advertise the 2017 Council Meeting dates: 4-0
*Councilman Tom Nodoline leaves meeting at 9:09 PM. Loss of Council quorum adjourns meeting.*
November 28 (Councilman Robert Lewis absent, Tom Nodoline leaves before adjournment)
- General Fund checks: 6-0
- Sewer Fund checks: 6-0
- Advertise 2017 Budget: 6-0
- Table discussion of raise in Mayor / Council compensation to June, 2017: 6-0
- Advertise 2017 Council meeting dates with earlier start time of 6:30 PM: 5-1 (Tom Nodoline dissenting)
- To adjourn meeting: 5-0
December 12 (Councilman Robert Lewis absent)
- General Fund checks: 6-0
- Sewer Fund checks: 6-0
- Deposits and Receipts for November: 6-0
- November 14 Minutes: 6-0
- November 28 Minutes with changes: 6-0
- Treasurer’s Report for November: 6-0
- Zoning Board term limits of 4 and 5 years: 6-0
- Resolution for part-time police department: 6-0
- $650 to cut down 3 trees on acquired Ridge St. property: 4-2 (Dees, Tom Nodoline dissenting)
- 2017 Budget (No tax increase) 5-1 (Tom Nodoline dissenting)
- Council meeting dates and time (6:30 PM) as previously advertised: 6-0
- To adjourn meeting: 6-0
Disclaimer: On January 4, 2016, the owner of WestEastonPA.com began serving on the West Easton Council following an election. Postings and all content found on this website are the opinions of Matthew A. Dees and may not necessarily represent the opinion of the governing body for The Borough of West Easton.