Cell Phone Video Earns Indianapolis Resident $200,000

recording-policeIt’s well known that police don’t like being recorded on video. Too often it raises embarrassing questions about their conduct and in some instances actually proves they can and do lie on official reports about an incident, or the actions of an individual they have arrested. Continue reading

Lawyers – Consistent Through The Ages

getoutofjailI respect lawyers for what they can do without a conscience. Twist facts, make a client look better by slinging mud on a witness, or as was the case over 130 years ago, use a psycho defense based on unproven science to free a woman who was obviously guilty of murder.

My disdain is only partially truthful. Push come to indictment, I’d be looking for a lawyer that could get me off even if I committed a crime in front of a busload of Japanese tourists with video cameras Continue reading