Pennsylvania History We Like To Forget – A Militia Massacre Of The Christian Indians

Gnadenhutten MarkerOn March 8th, 1782, 160 Pennsylvania militiamen committed the infamous Gnadenhutten Massacre. This PA Militia murdered 96 Christian Indians – 39 children, 29 women and 28 men – by hammering their skulls with mallets from behind as they knelt unarmed, praying and singing, in their Moravian Mission at Gnadenhutten in the Ohio Country. Continue reading

Home Foreclosures Still Happening Years After Home Market Bust

home-auctionI’m working on a story this weekend about foreclosed homes in this country. In doing some preliminary searching I came across a sad story.

I was reading on the website about Dan Palchanes, who lost his home to the bank. I also read he bought the home for around $350,000 and the bank sold it at auction for $175,000. Continue reading